Elegant Rose The Secret Garden

Ferns & Moss Vintage

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Inclusion & Diversity

This may be a conversation some people aren't ready to have- but I want to use my social platforms to raise awareness and shed light on things that are near and dear to my heart. With all of the injustices happening not only in 2020- but for quite some time in this world, it is important for us to have the conversation about diversity and inclusion. I know a lot of brands and companies are trying to "do their part" by featuring a black model at the top of their instagram feed, but let's be honest- this is NOT enough and it will never be enough. Pull up for change and hire more POC, have them on your boards that have discussions about racial and political injustices- with having the inclusion of different people, this will bring about different opinions and different opportunities. This is huge for the fashion world- a lot of brands benefit from black culture but refuse to give credit when it's due. I adore fashion and love to model, but a lot of times I see a lack of color in magazines and on fashion pages. It's like being told that as a dark skinned girl in a white fashion world, there' no room for me- but you know what I say to that response? I will make room and I plan to encourage other black people to be proud of their blackness and use it to their full advantage. Our time is now and it will be infinite. 

I've made a vow to myself to focus on sustainable fashion/lifestyle- recycling, buying from antique stores, growing my own food... fast fashion needs to die. 


Monday, August 12, 2019


Here’s a peak at what’s in my bag:

Trader Joes blush pink roses
Milk makeups kush lip balm & cannabis hydrating face mask
Glossier's birthday balm dotcom
Sailor Moon makeup wand, but of course 
Pacific, dreamy youth rose & peptides lotion
Bijoux bijoux glitter gelee
& last but not least-

In intimate detail by Cora Harrington. I am love with this book. 

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Pretty Women

You don't have to be pretty like her, you can be pretty like you!

Living in a world where social media and magazines exist, it can be hard to be confident in yourself because society is constantly telling women to smile more, show less or more skin and giving us false representations of beauty. Beauty is obviously subjective and if you find yourself to be beautiful, that is the ONLY thing that matters. With women's history month upon us- we as women need to do some research and look at all of the women, past and current that inspire us.. Inspiration is the key to success and seeing all of the beautiful, smart and talented women in this world inspires me so much! The next time you think about comparing yourself to another woman, think about the things that you have in common and find a way to motivate yourself and build your own self confidence so that you can be an inspiration to other women as well. Let's hold ourselves as women accountable and stand together, to be stronger than we can be by ourselves... and one last thing, give strangers more compliments, if you like a woman's makeup or her outfit, tell her! Confident women compliment other women and that is what helps make the world go round. 


Jasmine Amani

Saturday, September 15, 2018

self love

This year has been a huge eye opener for me. I’ve been focusing a lot on self love and what that means to me. Not society but me... it’s important to feel comfortable in your own skin and the clothes that you choose to wear... I’ve put on a bit of weight and some of my clothes don’t fit the way they used to and for a while I would beat myself up over it. I didn't feel as "pretty" or "confident" as I used to when I weighed 108 pounds. However, the one thing I was failing to realize was how healthy I was feeling- mentally, emotionally and spiritually. One day I looked in the mirror and I said to myself, you were beautiful then and you're even more beautiful now. Embrace the changes that your body goes through, because it's a sign of prosperity. I want women all over the world to love who they are despite what they look like. We are one and we can unite over the struggles of just "existing"as a woman, as a human... I am available if anyone needs to vent- lets learn from each other and help one another bloom.

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